Round-up: Hay Hay It’s Donna Day #2: Macaroons
You can read about and vote for your favourite macaroon around the world at Glutton Rabbit‘s brilliant round-up of Hay Hay It’s Donna Day #2 – Macaroons. It’s all illustrated with nice pictures (making my macaroons look even more cow-pat-like in comparison to all the others!) and it is interesting to see how different people interpreted the idea of macaroon-making.
My favorites have to be Baking Soda’s Almond Espresso Macaroons from Bake My Day and I’m loving the idea of Bron’s Wasabi and Black Sesame Macaroons on Green Eggs and Spam. The Dark Chocolate and Orange Macaroons by Haalo from Cook (Almost) Anything At Least Once are also very tempting. And I love the picture (that pink background rocks!) of Barbara’s Lime Macaroons from Winos and Foodies.
Hmmm…who to vote for? The winner gets a set of Japanese cookie cutters and he or she will also get to host the next Hay Hay It’s Donna Day event. Anyone feel like voting for my cow-pats?!