Birthday brownies: Caroline’s Chocolate Brownies


Food writer, broadcaster and author Caroline Hennessy has been focused on food and writing since editing Ireland’s first food website for RTÉ in 2000. Chair of the Irish Food Writers’ Guild, she established the award-winning Bibliocook: All About Food in 2005, is the author of two books about beer and food and has a column in the Irish Examiner in which she writes about small food producers and the ways in which they develop and maintain a sustainable local food system.

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5 Responses

  1. Ruth says:

    I’m so glad you are generously sharing your chocolate brownie recipe with us!! Years ago I remember getting a lunch box of these brownies (from a thoughtful cousin…) while away for the summer at a language college. They were so yummy!!! I’m looking forward to trying this recipe again.

  2. Mick Clarke says:

    Caroline,As a recipient of one of the Boyfriend’s birthday brownies batch, may I compliment you on your beautiful buns (- ok, I know they’re not “buns” but I was on a run of “b”s there!) Anyway, thanks for the sampler AND the secret.Mick

  3. Caroline says:

    Ruth: they’re the very brownies that used to travel by post to you in French college. I used to be very busy those summers, between sending you baking along with day-by-day plot summaries of Home and Away!Mick: thanks for your kind comments on the brownies. I don’t think that the photo – an old one – does much justice to the final product so I may have to make another batch soon. When I do, I’ll make sure the Boyfriend brings some more to work for you!

  4. Neva says:

    Hey Car,I’m currently hankering after a new cookery book as i’ve read my current ones cover to cover (in bed) so often that i’m now back to an old non-pictorial student cookbook. You know what I like – Nigel’s Diary, Nigella’s How to Eat.I was thinking of purchasing Tamasin Day Lewis’ ‘Bible’ – have you read it? Any reccommendations?+ Happy birthday to the Boy!

  5. Caroline says:

    I don’t have Tamasin’s Kitchen Bible, Neva, but I have loved the other cookbooks that she has written and, like Nigel and Nigella, she gives good context. At the moment I’m reading The Fish Store by Lindsey Bareham, which has some very personal memories of her family and marrige break-up alongside a selection of great recipes. I’m also loving The New English Kitchen by Rose Prince – lateral thinking for any kitchen, not just an English one! Like Nigel, she’s very strong on toast. I also loved Tessa Kiros’ Apples for Jam and any of her books are also worth picking up for a mixture of storytelling and very usable recipes. Call in on your way to West Cork and I’ll lend you a pile of cookbooks!

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