Baker’s Edge in Ireland
One of the many interesting things about food blogging is tracing the movement of ideas and recipes around the widespread world of bloggers. Since the first time I read about Mark Bittman’s No-Knead Bread – currently on my (very long!) list of recipes to try – in the New York Times it has travelled far and wide. You’ll also find Peabody’s Cranberry Orange Cookies a-wandering around other people’s blogs, as is Donna Hay‘s Self Frosting Cupcake recipe, which first surfaced on Niki’s Baking Sheet and then moved out into the wider world.
The Baker’s Edge baking pan is one of those things that’s been wandering around the blogging world for the last while. My interest was piqued when it popped up on Chocolate and Zucchini last year. Beautifully photographed, as always, by Clotilde (she also has a savoury recipe here), I loved its curvy snake-like shape and was intrigued with the idea of a baking pan – it was originally designed for brownies – that was designed to distribute heat equally so that there wouldn’t be such a difference between edge and centre pieces. And then I promptly forgot about the Baker’s Edge – until it started cropping up other blogs. A few months later, I’ve become the proud owner of what may be the only Baker’s Edge in Ireland!
Solidly constructed from non-stick cast-aluminium, it came with a leaflet of recipes (cup measurements only) as well as a dinky little red spatula which helps to smooth cookie dough around the turns in the pan as well as being invaluable when it comes to dividing up brownies and getting them out of the dish. Unfortunately my Baker’s Edge has become a victim of our current peripatetic lifestyle. Living in Dublin during the week and the country cottage at weekends means that it, much like my digital camera, always seems to be in the wrong residence when I want to bake! I still don’t feel like I’ve given it a proper try-out but I have been experimenting with David Lebovitz’s Friendship Bars, trying to convert the ingredients for Chef Emily’s Signature Cookie Bars into metric and playing with a great recipe for Coconut Blondies (which is how I discovered the thermostat for my Dublin oven is screwy) that I got from the Connoisseur.
I’ll just warn any potential purchasers that if they, like me, have a fan oven – nothing else seems to exist in Ireland any more, come back NZ cooker, all is forgiven – to be extra careful when cooking in this pan as it is all too easy to overcook things. I’m fiddling around with a few different recipes at the moment and hope to post them soon. In the mean time, you can read about why the Baker’s Edge came about and creator Matt Griffin’s efforts to bring it into the market, and browse through some recipes here.
Caroline,My name is Emily Griffin and I am the chef for the Baker’s Edge. I just came across your blog and was very excited to see you are spreading the word of our pan in Ireland. It is amazing how word spreads around the world. I wanted to let you know that if you need any help with the conversions for the recipes I would be more than happy to try and help you with that. I also wanted to inform you that there was an error in the Banana Bread recipe in the insert and the baking soda was accidently left out of the ingredient list when the insert was edited. There should be 1 tsp of baking soda added. If you go to our website and click on free downloads you can print a new insert that is now being packaged with the pan and is devoted to brownies, blondies and yes, still Emily’s Signature Cookie Bars which are well worth making. There are also many other recipes on our recipe page that I or others have created for the pan. I hope you enjoy the pan and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at Baking!!Emily
Thanks for that, Emily. New insert printed – I just have to track down the pan now, so I can keep them together! I hope to play around a little more with the conversions for your Cookie Bars (even my somewhat overcooked dodgy version went down pretty well with Boyfriend and Brother tasters) and will let you know how I get on. Last weekend at the cottage I used the pan to make a batch of Brownies and discovered that I could shave both time and temperature off the recipe. Actually, I have to confess my favourite Baker’s Edge dish – so far! – is a riff on Clotilde’s Gratin de Chou-Fleur with added ham and lots of parsley. I’ve always been a fan of the crusty cheese bits that bake on to the sides of the pan and this way I was definitely able to make the most of the optimised edge to surface ratio!
I remember this on C&Z but haven’t seen them in NZ yet.
I think the only way you’ll find them is online at the moment, Barbara. According to Matt at the Baker’s Edge, The Baker’s Catalogue and Solutions (links to both are on this page) ship worldwide, if you’re interested! I think I’ll have to try Flapjacks in them next time…