Taste of Cork


Food writer, broadcaster and author Caroline Hennessy has been focused on food and writing since editing Ireland’s first food website for RTÉ in 2000. Chair of the Irish Food Writers’ Guild, she established the award-winning Bibliocook: All About Food in 2005, is the author of two books about beer and food and has a column in the Irish Examiner in which she writes about small food producers and the ways in which they develop and maintain a sustainable local food system.

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5 Responses

  1. Maria O'Keeffe says:

    Hi Caroline,Taste of Cork was fantastic, there was such a great buzz. I hope it comes back next year!

  2. Caroline says:

    Great to catch up with you there, albeit for such a short time. The weather totally made the event – everyone was in such good form to actually be out in the sunshine, for once. I even got a wee bit sunburnt – didn’t think that I’d need the sunblock that morning.

  3. Hi Caroline,I think my comment on this the other day disappeared into the ether.Just to say that we have a bunch of reviews and mini-reviews of the event over at LouderVoice (http://www.loudervoice.com/tags/taste+of+cork.We)’d welcome any more opinions on the event that people want to write there, via SMS or on their blogs.

  4. pa dinneen says:

    The festival was good (nice vibe, weather) BUT it was too crowded- you had to queue for at least 15 mintues for food and the portions were a tad small.All in all I enjoyed it but if it was raining they’d have been rightly snookered…

  5. Caroline says:

    Sorry Conor, there was rather a lot of ether around here lately! Will put that link up on the entry.When were you there, Pa? It was busy enough on the Sunday, alright, but I never ended up doing too much queuing – if I had to wait for too long, I just legged it to the next stall. The weather definitely helped the experience – it would have been miserable if it was raining.

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