Mitchelstown Food Festival
It’s food festival season at the moment in North Cork with Mitchelstown holding its own festival this weekend, kicking off with a gala evening with Clodagh McKenna at the Firgrove Hotel tonight. You can see the menu below – it’s got fantastic Clonmore Goat’s Cheese from Tom Biggane, Nano Nagle organic eggs and apples, Araglin trout and David Lee’s honey, fresh from the bees that spent the early summer buzzing around our cottage garden. There’s also a market taking place on Sunday from 12pm at the Mitchelstown Business Park.
Mitchelstown Food FestivalGALA DINNER MENUSTARTERLOCAL PRODUCE PLATTERO’Callaghan’s Chicken Liver Pate on CrostiniPoached Araglin Trout with O’Callaghans Cucumber PickleHanley’s Roasted Black Pudding with applesTortilla made with Nano Nagle Organic Eggs filled with Hodgin’s SausagesMIXED LEAVES SPRINKLED WITH TOM BIGGANE’S CLONMORE CHEESE AND HAZELNUTSMAIN COURSESLOW ROASTED IRISH ANGUS BEEF WITH WILD MUSHROOMS served with Connie Sheehan’s creamy mustard whipped potatoes and an Autumn RatatouilleDESERTBAKED APPLES from NANO NAGLE ORGANIC FARM stuffed with Drumcollogher organic blackberries and drizzled with David Lee’s Floral Honey and May Sheehy’s Gooseberry PreserveIRISH FARMHOUSE CHEESE BOARDA selection Irish Farmhouse Cheeses supplied by Horgan’s – Ardrahan, Gubbeen, Desmond and Mature Cashel Blue served with cheese biscuits