Cork Food Web and Corrigan’s City Farm
If you’re based in or around Cork and interested in growing your own food, take a look at the Cork Food Web. It’s been described as “facebook for foodies” and is dedicated to encouraging and facilitating local food production, with a series of groups for members interested in poultry, seed saving, compost, growing vegetables and all things garden related. I missed their seed swap last weekeend but one of the very helpful organisers is going to send me some of the left over seeds, including my favourite pumpkins, as we try to get the garden up and running for 2009. With all the sunshine today, it really feels like a day for getting out and planting.
In a slightly related manner, RTÉ Cork are looking for people in Mahon and Blackpool who would be interested in running an allotment in Cork City. Richard Corrigan is on board for this programme – Corrigan’s City Farm – which seems to be going down the Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall route, showing city dwellers that they can grow their own food and also raise chickens and pigs. More information is available from the RTÉ website.
Great programme, brings me bach to my happy childhood in the country (durrus), delighted that adults and children learn and know that milk doesnt come from the bottle, but a ‘cow’, continue the good work, much healthier, both physically, and what we eat as well, i hope to do some planting myself next year, very fed up of vegies going off before i even get home from the shop (cannot be healthy or safe) ann
It’s great to see that there’s such an interest in growing your own food these days. I know that I love the time I get to spend in the garden, Little Missy permitting, although she was out in the baby sling the other day, helping me plant a whole bank of nasturtiums that I hope will make their way into some summer salads. She’s definitely getting introduced to gardening at an early age!
The city farm is still going on in spirit!
Looks like you’re all keeping busy on the farm! Glad to see that it’s still keeping going.