Kanturk black pudding
Any trip to Kanturk is a good excuse to call into McCarthy’s Butchers and see what new treat Jack McCarthy has dreamed up for his many meat-loving customers. I can’t resist the air-dried Sliabh Luachra Beef scattered over big bowls of salad leaves with shavings of parmesan and the North Cork Pancetta makes a great savoury blanket when wrapped around fish or even chunks of haloumi cheese before baking.
On Saturday we were also able to pick up a chunk of Jack’s new black pudding. Cut from an enormous fat log which I could just about span with both my hands, this Putóg Ceann Toirc is a dense, rich spicy mixture with fresh cream and a drop of whiskey. A slice of this, fried up with potatoes, a few slices of apple and served with dollops of Green Tomato Chutney is an meal in itself. Saturday night supper sorted.
It’s the same black pudding that took a Gold Medal last week in France at the annual awards held by La Confrérie des Chevaliers du Goûte Boudin in Mortagne-au-Perche, Normandy. In English? It’s the Brotherhood of the Knights of the Black Pudding. Arise Sir Jack!
If you’re not located near Kanturk, you can get your hands on McCarthy’s wares online through their smart new website at www.jackmccarthy.ie. Orders over €100 are delivered free in Ireland.
I need to find this black pudding here; so far the ones I had are not so great. Have you ever tried making it yourself? I imagine it’s pretty difficult but I’m tempted to give it a go! 🙂
Now that’s a thought! My father still talks about the squealing of the pig as it was getting killed at home, with the fresh blood all turned into black puddings. Jack was telling me that a lot of people nowadays use dried blood that they rehydrate. Let me know how you get on if you do try!
I’m very much looking forward to tasting both the pudding and the air-dried beef tomorrow. Mr McC. was kind enough to add a sample of each to my purchases when I made my first visit on Friday.I love those Confreries, with the robes and all that.
Sounds like you were on a day out! Hope you enjoy the meats.