Lyric fm: Paddle your own canoe
Last month, during the Lismore Festival Of Travel Writing, I interviewed author Jasper Winn on the Blackwater. Jasper is the author of Paddle: A Long Way Around Ireland, in which he writes about his experiences of circumnavigating the Irish coastline by sea-kayak – during what just happened to be the worse summer in living memory.
Jasper has a novel way of travelling to the destination of what he calls his Paddle Talks; he, and any of the audience that are interested, kayak to the location. And this was precisely what happened in Lismore – and will be happening in Kinsale tomorrow.
You can take a look at some of Jasper’s favourite coastal pubs on the Guardian website: Ireland: the 10 best pubs on the coast.
To get a flavour of the Paddle Talk, take a listen to my report for Lyric fm’s Culture File below.