Bibliocook: best blog of a journalist

2013 award winner
Saturday night was supposed to be quiet. It was a work weekend for me, the day spent talking at and attending Jim Carroll’s Banter in Kinsale, with a side trip to check out an Ummera smoked chicken sandwich at the book-lined Poet’s Corner. I came home to two post-bath, pj-clad little girls sitting up at the table to have their favourite “Daddy’s dinner” – baked beans (not homemade!) on toast.
Car packed with beer for Sunday tastings at Cloughtoberfest and our smallies in bed, it was time to curl up on the couch in front of the fire and get stuck into the Saturday papers.
That didn’t last long.
My phone whistled. I ignored it. It whistled again. And again. There were tweets and messages streaming from Blog Awards Ireland at the Osprey Hotel in Naas: Bibliocook had just been named Best Blog of a Journalist.
There was no more ignoring the phone.
The cassis was dug out of the pantry, a bottle of sparkling wine popped and we toasted my fellow finalists, including friends Aoife (Daily Spud), Imen (Farmette) and Nessa (Nessa’s Family Kitchen). There were also more toasts to the hard-working organisers of Blog Awards Ireland, category sponsors Mediabox and, clear head for Sunday beer tasting be damned, to the ever-brilliant Susan of Súil Design who, when I was recovering from a serious accident in New Zealand in 2005, decided that it was the perfect time to help me set up my long-talked about food blog.
Eight-and-a-half years and 892 posts later, I’m still learning and writing and loving it.
Thanks Sue.
Congratulations Caroline, I didn’t think I saw you there, we know why now after such a busy day!
I had been trying to plot a line between Kinsale, Naas and Cloughjordan but my times were all out. Sorry to have missed the party! It sounds as if you were laden down with awards coming home 🙂
I was surprised and delighted Caroline 🙂 Hopefully see you at Savour Kilkenny soon.
892 posts, whoa! Here’s to the next 892 and the new adventures, friendships and good food they will bring. x
I’d say my drafts folder holds another 892! Never realised, when I started blogging, how many friends I’d make through it. It’s been a superb eight years.
Congratulations Caroline very well deserved, really love your blog.
And a big congratulations to you too, Evan. Your blog is going from strength to strength!
well done
Thanks Kieran. A busy week for Hennessys…
Huge congrats Caroline…so well deserved!
I think the McKenna’s put it so clearly “Caroline is the essence of a good journalist, getting 2 essence of the story, unhindered by ego or preconception” You are a natural. Would love to hear some new radio pieces from you Caroline too, so fantastic! Congratulations again. Imen x
You have me blushing here, Imen. That’s a lot to live up to. Keep striving forward.
Congrats Caroline . A well deserved award
Congratulations, Caroline – very well deserved!
congratulations caroline!
I had tears in my eyes reading this – I can only say I’m surprised it took them so long to recognise your talent. I’m proud that I can claim responsibility for giving you a gentle nudge to start you on this amazing journey. One that I hope I will watch and share for many years to come.
We’ll have to do one hell of a redisgn to celebrate 😉
This was all you chick enjoy
Sue xx
Sue, without you I’d still be talking about blogging!
Talk about the best possible post-accident occupational therapy. I’d recommend it to anyone.
Congratulations Caroline, well done!
Thanks Eimear!
Congratulations Caroline 🙂