Category: Bake

Fabulous fictional food in children's books - Possum Magic - Lamingtons 0

Lamingtons for Australia Day

I first came across lamingtons in some old cookery cards that my mother picked up at a jumble sale, way, way back in the mists of time (circa late 80s, ahem). They were dipped... - Turkish Delight for RTE Radio 1's The Book Show 0

Listen: Turkish Delight on The Book Show

Researching children’s books and food for the series of articles I’ve written recently in The Examiner, there’s one item that almost everyone seems to remember from their own childhood reading: the Turkish Delight that Edmund betrayed... - Caroline's Birthday Brownies 0

Read: Best cocoa birthday brownies

First published on Irish Country Living. Ten years ago, the Kiwi turned 30. The night beforehand, we booked a corner in a pub on Wexford Street in Dublin, just 20 minutes’ walk from where we...