Category: IFBA

Irish Food Bloggers Association events and accounts


Irish Food Bloggers Association: 2010 – 2015

Back in 2010, Kristin Jensen of Edible Ireland and I started working together to set up the Irish Food Bloggers Association. It was a time when the world of food blogging in Ireland was...

Sharon Hearne-Smith at the Irish food photography workshop 4

Irish food photography workshop

Ask food bloggers to bring something sweet to have with coffee and just look what you get: a mouthwatering array of beautifully baked and lovingly packaged treats. And they were just the icing on...

A pre-lunch lunch at The Pepperpot 7

Eating my way around Dublin

How much eating can be packed into one day in Dublin? Well, if you take the earliest bus there, as I did last Thursday, quite a bit. A need for late breakfast/early lunch took...