Category: Work


Lyric fm: Foraging

When the first faint scent of wild garlic wafts through the spring air, many people’s thoughts turn to foraging. And this year there is more of an interest in wild food than ever before,...


Lyric fm: The Sacred Harp and Dinner-on-the-Grounds

Somehow I can manage to get food into most reports that I do for Lyric fm’s Culture File.

Ireland’s first Sacred Harp Convention took place in University College Cork over the first weekend in March. I was there, recording and enjoying the singing – but also asking people about Dinner-on-the-Grounds.

Loaves and Fishes Supper Club, courtesy of 4

Underground Dining: The Loaves and Fishes Supper Club

Blogger Lilly Higgins runs an underground restaurant called the Loaves and Fishes Supper Club and I interviewed her for a feature that was broadcast on Lyric fm’s Culture File last week. As the piece was very short, I couldn’t use very much of her interview but, seeing as there is so much interest in the whole idea of underground dining at the moment, here’s a podcast of the chat we had at her home in Cobh last month.