Telling stories at HearSay 2014
Saturday night was a cold night. It was an especially cold night if you were sitting in an old, just-renovated church in the small Co Limerick town of Kilfinane. But, for one weekend only,...
Saturday night was a cold night. It was an especially cold night if you were sitting in an old, just-renovated church in the small Co Limerick town of Kilfinane. But, for one weekend only,...
Demos / Irish beer & cider / Sláinte: The Complete Guide to Irish Craft Beer and Cider
by Caroline · Published November 14, 2014 · Last modified September 5, 2017
The beer/cider vs wine smackdown at Savour Kilkenny? There was some serious argie bargie going on in the lead up to the event, especially from my team of dastardly valiant opponents, Ballymaloe wine lecturer Colm...
If you have children, you’re also undoubtedly surrounded by pumpkins as they demand their yearly, personal jack o’lantern. At the moment we have three in the cottage. One was carved by us together, Little Missy and...
Irish beer & cider / Sláinte: The Complete Guide to Irish Craft Beer and Cider / Work
by Caroline · Published October 10, 2014 · Last modified September 5, 2017
Writing a book takes you down many different roads – and many of them, fortunately for us, lead to the fabulous festivals that are taking place around the country. Last weekend, Kristin and I...
Culture File on RTÉ Lyric FM / Radio / Work
by Caroline · Published September 25, 2014 · Last modified June 15, 2016
Once upon a time, it was enough to have a favoured brand of instant coffee; now it’s all Sumatra Gegarang this, natural process that, small batch roast the other. Things have come a long,...
Irish beer & cider / Sláinte: The Complete Guide to Irish Craft Beer and Cider
by Caroline · Published September 11, 2014 · Last modified September 5, 2017
The writing of Sláinte? That’s something that was mainly done in splendid isolation. When the girls were out of the house for preschool mornings, or late at night, with everyone else tucked up in...
Culture File on RTÉ Lyric FM / Grow / Radio
by Caroline · Published August 28, 2014 · Last modified June 15, 2016
To paraphrase the Lorax, Alys Fowler ‘speaks for the bees.’ She was at the Ballymaloe Litfest in May, talking about self-funding her latest book Letters to a Beekeeper through internet publisher Unbound. It’s a...
Summer holiday time is fine when the weather is good and we’re all outdoors with sun hats and shorts. But, when the wind changes, the showers arrive and a general air of grumpiness pervades...