Tagged: Kenmare


Foodtalk on Newstalk: MP3s online

Chris Watson and Kevin Thornton recording in Thornton's kitchen

If you’re interested in listening back to any of the Foodtalk shows that were broadcast on Newstalk over the last six weeks (no more sending text alerts online – my Sunday nights have suddenly gotten very quiet!), they’re now all available as podcasts from the Newstalk website. You can see them all here and full details of the interviewees are below.


Foodtalk: Seafood

Mussel farmer and goldsmith Paul Kelly in his studioI was thrilled to hear the first Foodtalk on Christmas Day at 1.30pm, just as we were basting the turkey, making gravy and chopping vegetables for dinner.That programme – very topically – was on Livestock, focusing on Irish pork. Jacque Barry (Jacques Restaurant) talked about her love of good quality ingredients and food eaten with family while Fingal Ferguson of the Gubbeen Smokehouse explained how the cycle works on the Gubbeen farm in West Cork – the pasture is eaten by the cows who produce the milk for the cheese, the whey of which is fed to the pigs who are turned into the best pork, sausages, salami and chorizo by Fingal.

Foodtalk on Newstalk 0

Foodtalk on Newstalk

It started with a phone call in the early summer. The brothers behind Soundsdoable wanted to know if I was interested in working with them on a series of radio documentaries about food. I didn’t need to be asked twice. It was the start of an intense and fascinating time – journeys around Ireland in all kinds of inclement Irish summer weather to interview a variety of producers and chefs and the chance to record with chef (and fellow blogger) Kevin Thornton.