Tagged: pumpkin

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Read: The Echo | Show some lunchbox love

An edited version of this feature was first published in The Echo on 28 August 2019. The kids think that the summer holidays will never start, the parents think that they’ll never end –...

Bibliocook - pumpkin carving for Halloween 0

Read: Pumpkin Revenge in Irish Country Living

If you have children, you’re also undoubtedly surrounded by pumpkins as they demand their yearly, personal jack o’lantern. At the moment we have three in the cottage. One was carved by us together, Little Missy and...


SilverCircle.ie: Soup Days


On a cold, wet, miserable day, there’s nothing better than coming home to a big bowl of piping hot, homemade soup. Pick from Chicken Noodle,Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato or White Bean and Cabbage Soups and make a meal of it with Caroline Hennessy’s recipes for pots of pleasure on SilverCircle.ie.