Category: Print - Wildflour Bakery 0

Read: Irish Foodie | Going wild(flour) in Innishannon

Despite the fact that WildFlour Bakery’s Chris Fahey only started to bake professionally in 2020, he’s already garnered a reputation for quality: “If anyone asks, I tell them what I use – local ingredients and Irish ingredients. You can’t cut costs on ingredients.” - Bumblebee Farm with Mag Riordan (1) 0

Read: Irish Foodie | When the florist met the chef

“Flowers brought us together,” laughs Attwell. “When I came down here Mags was the only person I knew and flowers brought us together. For me, West Cork is all about the flora. Even its symbol – the fuschia – is an edible flower. The things that grow here naturally are unreal, the produce, the flowers.” - kids in the kitchen - making quesie 0

Read: Irish Examiner | Online cooking with kids

Half way through the morning, as tomato fondue bubbled on the cooker, chocolate egg nests set in a cooler part of the worktop and 11-year-old Little Missy shaped bunny pancakes on a hot frying pan, it hit me: online cooking classes with kids really do work.