Tagged: Irish Examiner

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Read: Irish Examiner | Have your chocolate and drink it

There are other of getting your chocolate fix without compromising a healthy diet. Drinking it, in the form of cacao tea or a cacao beverage, ticks lots of great dietary boxes while still letting you enjoy the familiar flavour of really good chocolate.


Irish Food Writing Awards 2021

Any opportunity to be together with friends and colleagues is special but after 18 long months of Zoom and emails and WhatsApp, last night’s Irish Food Writing Awards was a much anticipated gathering.

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Read: Irish Examiner | Online cooking with kids

Half way through the morning, as tomato fondue bubbled on the cooker, chocolate egg nests set in a cooler part of the worktop and 11-year-old Little Missy shaped bunny pancakes on a hot frying pan, it hit me: online cooking classes with kids really do work.